Our commission
To review Croydon Council’s approach to asset management and to produce an overarching housing asset management strategy (HAMS) document, creating a joined-up approach to housing maintenance across all departments and replacing a series of standalone documents.
Project overview
With an emphasis on high-cost properties and those that are difficult to maintain, the aim of the HAMS is to bring consistency to housing maintenance and to ensure decent, affordable homes for all in great neighbourhoods. It focuses on ensuring that investment is going into the right properties at the right time, data from service providers such as repairs and gas contractors is driving decision-making and that customers’ aspirations are reflected.
Solution and key outcomes
Following an initial scoping exercise to gain an understanding of Croydon Council’s existing approach to housing maintenance and to establish its primary objectives moving forward Echelon devised an overarching asset management strategy document for 2019 – 2028. This included new processes and procedures for how Croydon approaches asset management and how it maximises value in its built assets and a Croydon Standard was established to meet residents’ aspirations. A new suite of KPIs was also developed to evaluate the success of the HAMS against a number of objectives.

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Please call us on 01707 339 800, send us an email at info@echelonconsultancy.co.uk.
"The development of the Housing Asset Management Plan has helped to create closer working relationships across the asset management, capital delivery and responsive repairs services. We have developed common objectives to measure our performance against and our decisions are being made based upon wider asset management principles, which is helping us to target resources where they are needed. Echelon has been a pleasure to work with, providing industry-specific knowledge, experience and best practice examples. The team has helped to facilitate meetings with political leaders, senior managers and officers to gather a full picture of existing service delivery. Echelon staff were friendly and always receptive to new ideas and suggestions.”