Echelon provides commercial and contract reviews for a variety of organisations across the country, including Croydon Council Origin, Livin, Thenue, Basildon and Brentwood councils, Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing, Great Places Housing Group and Johnnie Johnson Housing Trust. Our reviews are designed to improve contract performance and identify ways in which partner relationships can be improved.
Project Overview
We liaise with the client and the contractor, obtain financial and performance data and interrogate it from as many different angles as possible to highlight areas for improvement. We benchmark in the real world rather than against a generic system, with validated benchmarking data with commercial elements calculated consistently across each contract.
Solution and key outcomes
We view the data we collect holistically, always connecting the commercials with the performance and with the relationship. The process of a commercial health check is part of a journey we embark on with the client and contractor to course correct throughout the life of the contract, an opportunity to identify improvements and whether elements of the relationship have, or need to be, improved.

If you would like to know about our services and how we can help your organisation, please get in touch
Please call us on 01707 339 800, send us an email at info@echelonconsultancy.co.uk.
“The annual health check that Echelon carries out is an invaluable part of our governance process, providing assurance to the Board and residents that contracts are robustly managed and the costs scrutinised to ensure they remain reasonable. The insight Echelon provides through detailed analysis of cost and performance data enables us to work proactively with our contractor partners to continually improve how we deliver services.” Phil Ison, Head of Repairs, Longhurst Group