Our commission
Echelon has developed impactful initiatives that are delivering genuinely beneficial outcomes for local residents and communities. Our new credits system, the Social Value Builder, was developed to help organisations determine their social value requirements at the outset but build flexibility in, to enable these to change over the contract term.
Project overview
The social value requirements are developed based on the likely value and scope of the contract, to ensure they are appropriate. Through the procurement process, bidders are required to demonstrate how they will meet the minimum requirements.
The tender evaluation is a combination of qualitative and quantitative review, which is then combined with any extra social value that bidders have offered.
Solution and key outcomes
Creating real longevity and leaving a legacy of lasting improvement from apprenticeships, life skills support and harnessing the contractors’ capacity to improve the life of residents is the key to genuine social value. Through many of the contracts we’ve helped to procure, contractors offer specific support to residents like mentoring, coaching, help with job applications and DIY workshops as well as supporting work experience opportunities.

If you would like to know about our services and how we can help your organisation, please get in touch
Please call us on 01707 339 800, send us an email at info@echelonconsultancy.co.uk.