Echelon supports bpha market engagement event
There was a great turnout for the bpha market engagement event on 5th February for the procurement of a contract to deliver an extensive refurbishment project.
Project Vista – Queen Street Regeneration will involve the refurbishment of three high- rise blocks.
The event, attended by 23 people, included a visit to the Queen Street site, a walk through the buildings to look at various aspects of the internal services and an inspection of the roof area, with spectacular views over Bedford and beyond.
The group then went to nearby Bedford Heights where Steve Storey Senior Regeneration Manager at bpha, and Stephen Brooks, Partner and Principal Architect at Arcus Consulting LLP delivered presentations on Phase 1 of the scheme.
Echelon Group CEO Mathew Baxter then carried out some interactive polling using Slido and took the group through the proposed procurement process and timetable.
bpha is looking to appoint a single contractor to deliver all works, which include suspended ceilings and finishes in communal areas, ventilation, soil pipe replacements, fire stopping, sprinkler systems, cold-water mains, double glazed windows, external doors, roof finishes, rainscreen cladding, external insulation, access control, CCTV, external lighting, landscaping and EV charging.
The Contract Notice is expected to be issued on 19 February.
Read next: The role of market engagement under the Procurement Act 2023