We support clients through all stages of the procurement process, from scoping and pre-procurement activity, through to contract award and mobilisation, with services tailored to individual requirements. We provide specialist advice and facilitation at whatever level is needed to ensure bespoke outcomes that deliver excellent quality and best value.
This covers all procurement models under the current PCR 2015 regulations – Open, Restricted, CPN and CD – and we have a specialist team which leads on guiding clients and service providers in the critical mobilisation stages of a contract. We also support with the procurement of frameworks.
We have worked with housing providers to procure billions of pounds of asset and facilities management services, including repairs, planned works, maintenance, voids, gas servicing and installations and estate services.
Clients include the London Borough of Waltham Forest, Croydon Council, London borough of Camden, East Devon District Council, The Longhurst Group, Muir Group Housing Association, Habinteg Housing Association, Lewisham Homes, RHP, Newlon Housing Trust and LiveWest.
We are currently developing a new competitive flexible procedure to align with the new Procurement Act, which comes into force in October 2024, and we will also be offering sector-wide training around all aspects of the new Act.